• sampfreq <filename> ~ Get the sampling frequency
  • rdsamp -r s20011 | head ~ Print the first 10 lines of the record
              0      55      81
              1      55      84
              2      55      87
              3      56      89
              4      57      91
              5      61      93
              6      65      95
              7      67      99
              8      69     103
              9      72     105
  • rdsamp -r s20011 -t 0:00:02.00 | less ~ Print the first 2 seconds of the record

  • Plot samples using octave

rdsamp -r s20011 -f 0 -t 0:00:02.00 > sample.txt # Store the first 2 seconds of the record in a file
plot "sample.txt" using 1:3 with lines # x-axis: 1st column, y-axis: 3rd column
replot "sample.txt" using 1:2 with lines # x-axis: 1st column, y-axis: 2nd column
  • Or save the plot
set term png
set output "sample.png"
plot "sample.txt" u 1:2 w l, "sample.txt" u 1:3 w l
  • rdann -r s20011 -a atr | more ~ Print annotations; explanation of annotations.
  • wrann -r s20011 -a qrs < s20011.asc ~ Write annotations to file
  • wfdb2mat -r s20011 -f 0 -t 12 ~ Convert to matlab format
  • wfdb2mat -r s20011 -f 0 -t 12 > ~ Save the stdout info in a file, matlab needs it for plotting