System information

Basic user enumeration

  • whoami hostname - get username and hostname
  • id - get information which group ids current user belongs to
  • groups $USER - check groups
  • last - check users that logged in recently

Cpu, memory

  • lscpu - show cpu information
  • free -h - display memory usage
  • uname -p or uname -m - show system architecture
  • uname -r - see a running kernel
  • lsb_release -a or cat /etc/*release - see running distribution

Another useful tool sysstat package

  • iostat - show current io (disk usage, cpu usage)
  • mpstat - show current cpu usage (detailed)

Simple script to log system resources:


set -eux


echo "Logging CPU, Memory, Swap, Disk, and Network usage to $LOGFILE"

while true; do
    echo "----- $(date) -----" >> $LOGFILE
    echo "CPU Usage:" >> $LOGFILE
    mpstat -P ALL 1 1 >> $LOGFILE

    echo "Disk Usage:" >> $LOGFILE
    iostat >> $LOGFILE

    echo "Memory and Swap Usage:" >> $LOGFILE
    free -m >> $LOGFILE

    echo "Network Usage:" >> $LOGFILE
    ifstat 1 1 >> $LOGFILE

    sleep 10