Difference between hardlinks and symlinks
- implementation of
- kinda like shortcut, but a shortcut to a physical memory location!!!!
* creates new file, that points to same memory location as provided file
* - if one of the files is edited, then both files change
* - if one of the files gets deleted, then just inode of that file, that points to that location is deleted
* other file stays undeleted, with same content
int hardlink(char *dest, char *name) {
if(link(dest, name) < 0)
return errno;
return 0;
- implementation of
ln -s
- it works like a shortcut to original file
* creates a new file, that points to provided file
* - if one of the files is edited, then both files change
* - if original file gets deleted, then also disk contents gets deleted, and link is broken
int softlink(char *dest, char *name) {
if(symlink(dest, name) < 0)
return errno;
return 0;