

  • r ~ run program
  • ni ~ step to next instruction
  • c ~ coninue execution of program to breakpoint or end of program if no breakpoint is set
  • b *main ~ add a breakpoint at main
  • b *0xdeadbeef ~ add a breakpoint at a specific addres
  • info break ~ list all breakpoints
  • delete breakpoint <number> ~ delete breakpoint with provided number breakpoint identifier
  • x/30gx $rsp ~ display first 30 values, after a stack pointer
  • x/s 0x0000000040080e ~ display a string at provided addres
  • disass main ~ disassembly provided function
  • x/4i 0x0000000000401393 ~ get 4 instructions on provided address

Show all secitons of a file

  • info file

Display current state of registers

  • info registers

List all maped memory regions

  • info proc mappings

Check protections used on a file

issue command checksec

  • Canary ~
  • NX ~
  • PIE ~
  • Fortify ~ nobody knows
  • RelRO ~

ROP gadgedts

  • ~/.local/bin/ROPgadget --binary a.out
  • registers:
  • rdi ~ first argument
  • rsi ~ second argument


  • vis ~ show heap visually
  • heap ~ display chunks
  • bins ~ diplay TCACHE, FASTBIN, UNSORTED BIN pointers

If binary is stripped

info file -> break at entry point